Oluwaseun Ajiboye


Oluwaseun Ajiboye

Oluwaseun Ajiboye

Literary Fiction, Teen & Young Adult, Children's, General Nonfiction

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  • Member Since

    Oct 2020

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  • Born

    22 June

  • Profession

    Author, Driving Instructor, Teacher, Productivity Adviser


I am Oluwaseun, ROI Africa's Global Youth Ambassador for productivity. I'm so obsessed with the youth that I've given myself up to the cause of service. Two years into my Ambassadorial programme, I realized that it would not be possible for the youths to be productive if they do not experience peace at home and in the society; get good education, good governance and security. Since then, I have been an advocate for education, security, peace and good governance.

I'm founder of "ID8T COSMOS" (pronounced ideate: "aidieit"), a mentoring platform for personal and purpose discovery and pursuit, personal transformation and productivity. I've helped many youths discover their true selves, and purposes, which they now pursue earnestly, under careful guidance and mentoring.

I'm a writer, driving instructor, content creator and developer, I serve as Media Officer and Productivity Adviser to M2YW SPORTS, a football academy. I also do some graphics, web and UX designs.

Oluwaseun Ajiboye Books

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